“Every moment with Odelia was worthwhile, inspiring, and extremely helpful to me. She not only teaches, but she coaches, identifying our potential and nudging us toward a better piece of writing, always! I found my voice, my writing voice, by working with Odelia, after two years of grief, letting my writing lapse. I am personally stronger. I am a stronger writer. Thank you, Odelia!” –J

“Odelia masterfully sparks your creative writing skills while gently nudging you to dig deeper.  She provides wisely selected videos, writing prompts, and exercises that will evoke your memories so that you can write your memoir.”  –S

“Without a doubt, absolutely, the best writing class I have experienced!!” –V

“As someone who typically finds it challenging to feel inspired, I can confidently say that Odelia’s guidance has sparked inspiration within me every week.” –G

“My partners and I consulted with Odelia regarding the publishing of our book. Odelia is not only highly professional and knowledgeable, but her warmth and simplicity also made the entire meeting flow smoothly. We felt truly understood and supported throughout the process. This was a significant step for us, and Odelia answered all of our questions with detailed clarity and a personable approach. We are grateful for her guidance and highly recommend her”

“I have been attending Odelia’s “Let’s talk about Writing” membership   for several months and found them to be engaging and educational. Not only is Odelia a wealth of information and knowledge, but she also brings guest speakers on who are in the industry and who, as authors, we will all likely need services from at some point in the future. I highly recommend you get to know Odelia and attend one of her classes if you are considering writing your story.” 

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